What Women Are Attracted to?

There is a lot of junk circulating about what women find attractive in men. One of the common mistakes is listening to what women say they find attractive in men. When you ask them this, many times you get the tangibles, that is the common concrete physical features like tall, muscular, beard, or five-o-clock shadow, washboard abs, and so on. 

Women do find the tangible attractive, but compared to men, when surveyed one will find a lot more breadth here. There are some things most women like, like tall—but not too tall, and so on. 

The Problem for Guys

The problem with the tangibles is that they generally can't be changed. If you tell a guy that is 5'5 that the most attractive thing to a woman is being tall, it doesn't help anything. Moreover you instilling him a sense of already being defeated at the relationship game. 

What Women Like More

What women typically are far more attracted to are the non-tangibles. These are things like confidence and a host of other character traits in a man. You might call this his atmosphere or ethos. And here is the thing, women have a much harder time articulating this. They often are struck by a certain man's behavior, and they do not even know why. It becomes a mystery to them. Yes when asked, most women can at least cite confidence, but again here, often they are not always fully clear on what confidence is. They just see it and know it. It grabs them like a hook in the mouth.

The Confident Ethos

And here is the critical point. The non-tangibles of character and confidence ethos in a man always, yes ALWAYS trumps the tangibles like height, fitness, eye color, build, and so on. Honestly I have seen squatty ewok-shaped dudes who brislted with confidence land 5'11 Amazon-goddess like women. 

Women are highly attracted to men, but not the same way as men are attracted to women. Men's attraction is far more testosterone related and a little more flat earth. A great figure, is a great figure, is a great figure. The good news for young men struggling to attract women is beginning to understand that her attraction spectrum is not only a lot broader, but much broader than she thinks! 

I wish I had a dollar for every time I have heard a female say of her now boyfriend, fiance', or husband, "He really wasn't even my type, but I really fell for him..." 

In Sum...

The two big take-aways here is (1) Women's range of attraction is much broader than they typically understand, and certainly much broader than you understand. (2) Women are looking for elements of character that signal confidence and independence. I am going to get into this in another post. But stay tuned. I am going to dig into this topic much more deeply for you guys!

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