I read a lot of self improvement, leadership, and coaching type literature. As someone who spent years in professional ministry as well as coaching executives I have spent thousands of man-hours coaching people on how to keep their head in the game. There is a ton of good stuff out there and there are also kilotons of "meh." But of all the things that seem to "work" in getting keeping people's heads back in the game, mine especially, is a simple little thing called gratitude. Gratitude or "thankfulness" has seemed to have arisen to the top in my life over and over again. Maybe that is because gratitude automatically forces us to consider what we have, and not what "we...
If you are anything like me, when tasks mount up, I get overwhelmed. Sometimes it just feels like an elephant sitting on my chest. Designing and bringing starting a brand, company or bringing a product to market is no small task. Things never move at the pace you want. Stuff stacks up, or perhaps we should say "backs-up" kind of like a toilet clogged with... You get the picture. Getting Rid of "Overwhelm" Here are some things I do to get unstuck when I am am dealing with "overwhelm." 1. Take the False Pressure off Yourself — I am not saying don't push yourself. You need to keep yourself accountable to execute. Just drop the ego. Get rid of the...
So this awesome idea about the ultimate boxer brief for men had been rolling around in my head for several years, but quite unfortunately un-acted upon. It was around lat 2018 while listening to some business podcasts, most notably Ryan Danial Moran over at Capitalism.com, that I said to myself "What am I waiting for?" So I decided to get started on my idea. The first step I took was reaching out to a clothing designer. I happened to have a friend, Philip Sawyer who was a custom designer and pattern maker in the Boston area. So I reached out to him, pitched my idea, and we got started. This was totally new territory for me. I remember arriving at...
Welcome to the journey, a fantastic quest over treacherous terrain. A journey where we will navigate hamlet and shire, mountains and mines in search of the elusive one ring of power (read waistband). This is the maiden voyage of the UW blog—"The Daily Briefs" where we will keep you up to date on products, specials, good news about masculine comfort and general all around red-blooded American bad-assery! When you are in the men's underwear business, you cannot take yourself too seriously. You gotta laugh about topics that some people find a bit awkward. I don't find men's drawers that awkward to talk about, but I cant tell you how many folks do get a little flushy and blushy. But There...